Brad Miller lives in Shoreline, Washington. B D Miller & Assoc., 110 N 175th, Suite 206, Shoreline, WA 98133 Phone and fax: (206) 546-4140 Email: [email protected]
I am a structural and miscellaneous steel draftsman working in Shoreline, Washington, a city that used to be considered unincorporated Seattle. I have been using Macs since 1984 when I bought a 128k Macintosh.
Several computers later and after more than a few programs I settled on PowerCADD as the best CAD program available. Using PowerCADD with WildTools I as able to produce production shop drawing quickly and accurately. In a competitive industry dominated by a cumbersome giant (AutoCAD), it’s nice to be able to have an advantage.
I find myself torn between recommending a truly great CAD program to other users and keeping it a secret to keep my competitive advantage. PowerCADD and WildTools are a joy to use. It is not often that you will find a program that is truly powerful yet so easy to learn and use. A tip of my hat (if I wore one) goes to you, Engineered Software.
Brad Miller