Stebbins Engineering & Manufacturing Co. is a specialty masonry contractor with about 1000 employees, including all divisions. The central engineering department, shown above, is located at 363 Eastern Blvd,Watertown, NY 13601 (315) 782-3000 www.stebbinseng.com
The Stebbins Engineering & Manufacturing Co. is a specialty masonry contractor. We design and build corrosion-resistant reinforced concrete tanks and ceramic linings to handle virtually any type of corrosive liquid, and we do it all over the world. Through various divisions we also design and install refractory linings, liquid sulfuric acid production plants and specialty alloy fabrication. We offer a complete turnkey solution, from development of our own proprietary materials; tile and brick manufacturing plants; in-house design, engineering and drafting to field installation by our own crews. All these operations are supported through the central engineering department in Watertown, NY where PowerCADD is the drafting tool of choice.
We have been using CADD for about 20 years starting with a product called TekniCAD by Tektronix running on a MicroVAX. When this product was discontinued we moved to FlexiCAD on the Macintosh platform. Again the product was discontinued and about ten years ago we went with PowerCADD for the entire department (where we should have been all along). We have looked at a lot of programs and nothing we’ve found can touch PowerCADD for flat-out 2D drafting, short learning curves, ease of use and support. Nothing beats it for getting great looking drawings out the door quickly.
Stebbins Engineering