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Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 8:17 am
by NedB
Having been a licence holder since PowerDraw, I think I would have to walk away if a subscription model is the only option moving forward.

Really can’t understand the total lack of regular updates on progress and more importantly licensing information - obviously this is how you run a company nowadays 🙈

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:47 pm
by GrandChampion
Hi all- Sounds like I am in the same boat as many of you as my Mojave operating system is starting to become fully obsolete. I'm hanging on as long as I can, but I'm eventually going to have to buy a new MacBook and without PC10, I'm going to have to make a change. Here's hoping the new program launch is imminent...

I saw a few users here moving to VectorWorks. I tried this platform several years ago and it just was not for me. I could not adjust to the interface and I found the output drawings to be pretty underwhelming. Probably my own issues, but I produced one document set with VW and then swore it off.

Has anyone tried HighDesign? Seems to be a 2D only and wondering if anyone can compare to PowerCadd?

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:18 pm
by NeilY
My response to Highdesign was yours to Vectorworks - there is a 30 day trial but it was not my cup of tea I find the tools to manipulate difficult, I want to do 20 offsets in one go and then I want to trim them in two clicks doesn’t seem possible in Highdesign.

Is anybody going to give us a glimmer of hope on when we might see a general beta.

On NedB’s point on subscription I agree I don’t use Powercadd more than one day a month as my role has changed but I do want a modern Powercadd at my fingertips but my usage wouldn’t make me inclined to pay a subscription - happier to pay a one off fee and then upgrade fees

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:19 pm
by Alfred Scott
PowerCADD 10 beta is running just fine here.

It is a work in process. Just be patient.


Alfred Scott
[email protected]
804 690-4591

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:37 pm
by NedB
Alfred, it’s really great to hear confirmation that the beta is running well - As a contributor, you are lucky to be included in the testing - but for us mere mortals there’s patience, and then there’s patience - I think that side of things, without some form of detailed and meaningful update, is wearing somewhat thin for a lot of us

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:21 pm
by Mike Rutter
NedB wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:37 pm
Alfred, it’s really great to hear confirmation that the beta is running well - As a contributor, you are lucky to be included in the testing - but for us mere mortals there’s patience, and then there’s patience - I think that side of things, without some form of detailed and meaningful update, is wearing somewhat thin for a lot of us

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:25 pm
by c.szollosi.nj
Not sure which better illustrates the feeling of what has to be most of us diehard PowerCADD users with the patience of saints.
  • The lyrics from a song in Annie:
    The sun'll come out tomorrow
    Oh, you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow, come what may
    Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow
    You're always a day away

    i.e., will we see the promised land (during our lifetimes)?
  • A simple cartoon:
    donkey-carrot.jpg (23.13 KiB) Viewed 23232 times
In either case, here's hoping we all hear something...anything...more substantive than "pipe down in the peanut gallery" and "hurry up and wait".

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:19 am
by mdhawkins
NedB wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:37 pm
Alfred, it’s really great to hear confirmation that the beta is running well - As a contributor, you are lucky to be included in the testing - but for us mere mortals there’s patience, and then there’s patience - I think that side of things, without some form of detailed and meaningful update, is wearing somewhat thin for a lot of us
Although we all greatly appreciate Alfred and his consistent support and improvement of PowerCAD, the lack of respect in communicating on a regular basis to users by AutoDesSys and Todd Stanley is totally unacceptable.

Many successful Mac software companies will have a roadmap for future development of their product. There will be general objectives like 'X' by Fall of 2023 then brief updates on progress. Examples of this are Bear.App and Things by Cultured Code. By the time PowerCAD 10 is released no one will be here... or even care. :(

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:21 am
by Jon Buswell
I agree,

I was so happy to learn that PowerCADD 10 would finally become a reality. I think it still may, but ultimately, we all have business decisions to make and continually kicking the can down the road - as seems to be expected of us, really isn't on.

For my part, I have been a PowerCADD/PowerDraw user since in the early 90s. I had to switch over to Vectorworks and, whilst it's quite the learning curve to get up to a point of competence, I am finding it easier to work with. My wife uses PowerCADD and we are still holding on to the idea that the software will arrive before her computer dies. Since there's really only a handful of us on this forum - who are clearly supporters of this software, where is the harm in letting us know:

1. What stage of testing you are up to ?
2. Whether you are planning a perpetual license or a subscription ?
3. What will the expected cost of the software be ?
4. What interfaces will it have with other software ?
5. When (roughly) will it be released ?

There is honestly no point in not communicating this information to an obviously interested and engaged community of users. I'm now of the opinion lack of respect for this forum - the customers - is really very insulting. I, for one have gone from hopeful, happy, frustrated, angry now ambivalence about it.

Alfred, thank you for your updates, but please, don't tell us to be patient, tell them to pull their finger out.

Re: PowerCadd 10

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 4:20 pm
by Rik Negus
Being a user since 1990 (PowerDraw 3) I now see the future is in the 3D environment. I am an advanced user of SketchUp, building construction models of our projects detailed in every respect. I have recently become aware of a SketchUp extension called Condoc Tools which enables a seamless export of 2D to Layout, the developer a Denver Architect has been producing all his documentation in this manner and it looks impressive. Being 78 I do not have that many more years to work in my profession. I want to use that time explore new avenues and learning new things, for me SketchUp is the future.

Having said all this I will not be upgrading the PowerCadd 10 if and when it ever becomes a reality, it is nice to know that it is working fine for Alfred but that does nothing for everyone else. PowerCadd 9 will remain on my separate Mojave drive and is enough for my needs.

Nothing is forever, thanks for nothing Todd and company, just a boat load of empty promises.