Drawing Room

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them; disagree with them; glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
James Georgo - Productivity, flexibility and simplicity have always been my top priorities in CAD drawing production. This is especially vital for a small enterprise. Over the years I have worked with a variety of CAD programs including AutoCAD and Microstation; however, none of them fully satisfied my requirements like PowerCADD with WildTools. In fact, I have been […]
Howard Partner - I was first introduced to PowerCADD back in 1983 or 1984 at the School of Design of North Carolina State University. The School had just acquired some Mac Pluses or Mac SE’s, and one day Bill Stanley showed up at the school to demonstrate what was then known as PowerDraw. Clearly this was a big […]
Eugene Silva - I have been practicing architecture since 1984. During this time I have sought to enhance the built environment through the practical application of “good architecture” and by listening to my clients needs and wishes. Each project is approached as a unique problem with a unique set of issues and requirements rather than the application of […]
John D’Amici - I started a Structural Consulting Engineering office back in 1992, the decision initially to go with AutoCAD as the preferred drafting application was based purely on being 100% compatible with our largest client at the time, although I was not completely happy with this is it was commercial reality. The years rolled on by and […]
Charles Gallup - I submit these these drawings with some reluctance. I am not a designer, engineer or draftsman. I purchased PowerCADD with WildTools in July of 2000. I learned PowerCADD in the evenings and on weekends without any training other than the manuals and the PowerCADD forum. I was able to produce these drawings and many other […]
Ted Mather - I started to use a Mac for drawing light plots in 1988, when the musical “Chess” came over from London, with a lighting designer who used a Mac. I rented a Mac, learned how to use it (with no manual, of course) and started drawing. We used MacDraw and made our lighting symbols with fonts […]
Clayton Hayes - When I first started my career in 1982, one of the firms I interviewed with showed me their ‘state of the art’ CADD system, using a pen plotter driven by a computer running AutoCAD. At the time I thought someday the cost of this would come down enough that it could be purchased by an […]
Walters Art Museum - Nothing fancy here, but we thought you might like to see a few examples of drawing done with PowerCADD and WildTools for museum exhibition design. Each drawing consist of a catalog page of the item being displayed, and there’s a simple side view and top view of each item, usually drawn just in outline, but […]
Craig Burns - PowerCADD is an elegant tool. It does not try to be everything (like 3D Modeling) and this enables it to remain intuitive and easy to learn. What I am finding now, having used it for a few years, is how versatile and powerful each tool is. My approach in learning PowerCADD has been “there has […]
Patrick Douglas - Shortly after I received my Associates Degree in Architectural and Civil Engineering, I was enthused to find a job as a drafter for a small engineering firm in my home state. Much to my surprise, they were not using AutoCAD (which I had been trained for) and were not even using PC’s. PowerCADD was the […]