Charles Gallup


Charles Gallup, Mountlake Terrace, WA [email protected]

I submit these these drawings with some reluctance. I am not a designer, engineer or draftsman.

I purchased PowerCADD with WildTools in July of 2000.  I learned PowerCADD in the evenings and on weekends without any training other than the manuals and the PowerCADD forum.  I was able to produce these drawings and many other working drawings in use every day. These particular drawings have been converted to DWG and installed in our company library.

Because of the ease and speed at which I can work, I was assigned the task of wading through our CAD library to replace, modify or create drawings of our field equipment which had become horribly inaccurate.

In real life, I am a shop supervisor. My company lays fiber optic and power cable on the sea floor all over the world. We design, build, modify, adapt, destroy, create and forcibly use about everything known to man to put cable on the sea floor.  Years ago, we acquired two rotating turn-tables measuring 36′ across and 20′ high.  We missed acquiring several projects recently because one costly key piece was missing.  A mechanism was required to lift cable from the rotating tubs so they can be transferred to machines and equipment which ultimately bury the cable on the sea floor.  This piece is called a Lifting Arm or Capra.

It was my responsibility to make two Capras a reality.  After a few weeks, we started a cable laying operation in Galveston, TX laying two power cables and one fiber optic simultaneously.  The two power cables measure 7.5 ” across and weigh 60 pounds per foot while the fiber optic cable measure 1.5 inches across and can handle 2.8 million calls at a time.

From conceptual drawings to two working Capras, I used PowerCADD and WildTools start to finish. A whole new world has become open to me.  This CAD program is accurate, fun and productive … three features I cannot live without!

Six months ago I used to draw with soapstone on the shop floor.  Now I send and receive DWG/DXF files half-way around the globe. I can’t believe it!

Chuck Gallup